Hunts Memorial United Methodist Church

Chase Currently serves as the Director of Music for Hunts Memorial United Methodist Church, where he leads the chancel choir and praise team.

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St. James Methodist Church

Chase currently serves as the Director of Gathering and Choir at St. James Methodist Church of Bowling Green Kentucky, where he leads a combination of choir, praise band, and children’s music.

In his role as the Director of Gathering, he helped coordinate the church response to COVID-19 regulations, and worked to ensure the safety of all church members throughout the pandemic. Risk-mitigation methods like promoting vaccinations, virtual services, and requiring masks when recommended by local health officials helped the church avoid any cases of COVID spread within the church or from one church member to another throughout the entire pandemic.

Strict adherence to safety recommendations, an extremely high vaccination rate, and a lowered number of local COVID cases allowed choral singing to return to St. James in the late fall of 2021.

From 2014-2020 Chase served as the Choirmaster of St. John’s Episcopal Church of Mt. Pleasant, MI.  He lead a choir of between between 6-10 parishioner singers and a staff of 4 choral scholars in Sunday morning and Evensong services.

From 2014-2020 Chase served as the Choirmaster of St. John’s Episcopal Church of Mt. Pleasant, MI. He lead a choir of between between 6-12 parishioner singers and a staff of 4-7 choral scholars (number varied year-to-year) in Sunday morning and Evensong services.